Tuesday, 6 March 2012

The train on Platform 1...

Well after my partner spent a good few hours with cardboard and glue, we now have Platforms 1,2,3 and 4 with a Goods Shed alongside.

Im pleased the layout is now starting to look like Mablethorpe Station 

First I wanted to get the bit I was dreading first, wiring up the layout. I will be using one DC controller that will power all the system to start with, so its over to Maplin to get a solder iron, solder, wire and go for it!
Before: Holes drilled, droplet wires pulled through
After: Wires soldered in. Pleased!

Platform 1 & 2 installed

Temporary Platform Shelter on Platform 3/4

Activity at Mablethorpe
 Thanks to those at RMweb.co.uk for there help with soldering and wiring tips.


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